Favorite Musical Accessories pt 1

Favorite Musical Accessories pt 1

I discussed some of my favorite musical accessories in episode 12 of my Anatomy of Tone podcast. I wanted to add an article with links to find these beautiful accessories.

Barefoot Buttons

A pedal accessory to make switching effects on and off easier not only when not wearing shoes, but on dark stages or with your hands.

Gruv Gear Fret Wraps

A string-dampening accessory for bas and guitar or any strings instrument really.

G7th Performance Capo

My favorite capo.

Sonic Research Strobe Tuner

Simply the best tuner.

Tama Quick Set Cymbal Mate

Easy release cymbal wing nuts for quicker swapping of cymbals on sessions and gigs.

Speebtone Harmonic Jerkulator Fuzz

Speebtone Harmonic Jerkulator Fuzz

Rick James "Super Freak"

Rick James "Super Freak"